Hello Everybody
from way downunder in Cairns Australia.
This is great train-buff software. Congratulations All, I’ve visitied and read most of the forum posts so have also been to other sites and seen what is available. Some serious construction taking place.
I’ve been tinkering away for some time at a rather large layout for the Cairns Area (includes extensions to Kuranda for the Scenic Rail Route, to Mareeba, and south to Townville) – 15×15.
During my learning-curve constructions, there are a number of possibilities that i beleive might enhance the software, if they haven’t already been considered.
But first, I musk ask if further versions are planned for RtR beyhond V1.5?
Also, are you planning on releasing further extension packs that might include platforms, industries etc. I have tried to add some items to V1.5 but find the objects are blocked due to registration restrictions.