grid lines

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    Hi all,

    I can not make it out, can any one tell me about the grid lines.

    I have been looking at the turntable on Willi’s site and in the picture there is grid lines 19×14.

    I seem to only have 8×6.

    I have tried different resolutions but it will not get any more than 8×6.

    Can any one explain to an old man?


    PS. well done with the turntable, I’ll have a blue one.


    Hi Biggs

    Willi will know the proper awnser but I think it maybe something to do with LV2 it has a grid texture you need to draw on the ground. Any way you may not have to do this as Willi is going to wright a new instructions as the turntable has changed.

    Thanks Dave


    Hi Reg,

    Yes, Dave is right. This new grid texture will come with Layout Viewer 2.0. It makes placing of the turntable and the new bridges and walls much easier, as you can see the basic grid, RTR works with.

    Best regards,



    Hi Willi,

    Thanks for that, I was just going to rush out and buy a new monitor.

    I’ll just dust this one down.

    Reg 😆


    Hi Reg,

    I also wait for it,but my monitor was not been blown up 😉

    What monitor are you buying a flat or a tube?

    The Gridlines are not because the monitor,because RTR. 😉

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