Juergen’s layout Langenthal MP

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    On my Rule The Rail website I have uploaded Jürgen’s Layout “Langenthal MP”. You can find it here: http://www.wleopold.ch/rtr/rtrlangenthalmp.html” class=”bbcode_url”>http://www.wleopold.ch/rtr/rtrlangenthalmp.html with pictures, layout description in German AND English, and download. Download is at the bottom of the page.

    Langenthal MP is a much bigger and expanded version of the original layout “Langenthal” with interesting automatic railroad operation. It’s something completely new and I find it great! Take a look.

    Have fun, 😆



    Hi Willi

    I´d dload this layout allready.

    it´s real larger than the original. Dave will also expand this,and will use shadowstations as Jürgen. 😉 💡


    Hi Peter,

    Yes, Jürgen shows us the big advantage of a virtual model railroad: no problems with room and money :D

    As for “shadowstations”: As a long time railroad modeler the use of hidden staging is normal for me. So the original layout – intended to be really built then – has one hidden staging at each end of the dog bone double track loop for an interesting and varied operation. This helps overcome the disadvantage of restricted room you mostly always have with a real model railroad layout.

    Kind regards,


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