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    As it has got a bit slow on this forum and I think it could do with a boost, how about we do a combined track plan.

    First we will need some rules. (help)

    Like how large a track plan should be, say 30X1 in size. (if larger will run slow)

    Then split it up into sections say 5X1 each.

    Now we need to take into consideration the turntable. (needs to higher land)

    Then divide the sections, say with a fence.

    We will need terminus stations at each end.

    A goods yard.

    A passenger carriage yard.

    An engine shed.

    And some sort of plan.

    Now I am no good at planning things but would like to have a section or two.

    What we need is to have a think about this and then get some one to start the ball rolling.

    I may have it all wrong and may be a complete no go.

    What do others think?


    PS Help me out please.


    Hi Reg

    I think you have it right on the money! I’ve seen how much tallent

    there is among the forum members here and it is a damned shame to

    see it go stagnent. Yes, there was a tense episode there, but it would be nice to see it put in the past.

    I’d say You’ve hit on a brilliant idea with this one. Sign me up!

    Here’s Hopeing….



    Hi reg,

    nice idea :D I´ll see for dreamer to make an engine shed and musiputz for planning tracks. i hope i succestfully for that track.


    Hi Reg

    I missed this post so that’s why I’m late replying. A good idea. I think the track should be at least 2 wide and raise the ground up from the start for solving the TT problem. I have a terminus track already to go using 125 it has 6 platforms. They use no Id’s and will work as long as one train going in is replaced by one going out. Also the other end will have to have the same thing happening but with controllers the work with the engine at the other end. If you use trains that use a unit at one end this makes it more difficult but can be done I got a steam train terminus to work with 4 platforms but the train turn around time is quite long and this will also work for diesel units.



    Hi All

    Ok I have made a project track 30 X 2, raised the ground up to about the hight to cover a tunnel. Put a 6 station terminus at each end that is runing. A fence to show were the track can be cut for joining. Also a train next to the control track to show which way the engine units are running. Interested in having a go? Mail me




    All aboard, the train is just leaving platform one.

    OK I’m in…….



    Hi all

    OK I got 2 up for it. I think with the ID’s we got to use maybe just one more for now, any takers?



    I’ll have a go at it

    I will do two 5×1 sections in one layout various passing with one being an in and out yard of four to six sidings

    DonR aka Blazer9


    Nice one Don

    Will it work or not? Time will tell 😯



    Hi all

    To all that said yes to the project. Did any one having a go? I have thought of a new project idea and will put it up when I get it sorted.



    Hi all,

    If we want to have a go right,then we have to merge these sectors with standardcoords of the ending and beginning tracks. But now i´ve to get sorted the catenary system to complete. 😉

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