Need for more speed

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    I have just been watching a TV program (discovery) and it was about the Freightliner engine we have.

    It said it can pull many wagons with all the power it has in its engine.

    Do you think it would be possible to have our Freightliner pull more than 10 wagons before it starts to loose power.


    Hi Reg,

    I´ll also checked it´s so. I´ll see for pulling power of loco in Xli-file. If i have news,you´ll know it first.


    Hi Peter,

    I believe you can increase/decrease the top-end speed of an individual loco by altering a parameter within the corresponding xli file but I believe the 10 car hauling limitation at optimal speed is more likely a system variable across the entire motive spectrum.

    Best regards, Chris


    Hi Peter and Chris,

    Yes, you can only change the maximum speed in the xli file. Maybe there’s a correlation between max speed and pulling power? I don’t know.

    Kind regards,



    Hi Willi,Chris and Reg,

    That parameters of speed is true,i didn´t found the value for the pulling power of loco. :?: May be top speed for the locos can make a loco stronger or not,i´ll try it. 💡

    Why the very active members are posting here? :? May be we active have to open a new topic “Meckerecke”


    Willi_Leopold wrote:

    Hi Peter and Chris,

    Yes, you can only change the maximum speed in the xli file. Maybe there’s a correlation between max speed and pulling power? I don’t know.

    Kind regards,


    Can it be the value of 11 and 14 I see in the base-trains.xli file for the two basic loco’s and ditto in the add-trains.xli files? I am just checking them, haven’t had any time to check out what the results of changing these are.


    louis wrote:

    Can it be the value of 11 and 14 I see in the base-trains.xli file for the two basic loco’s and ditto in the add-trains.xli files? I am just checking them, haven’t had any time to check out what the results of changing these are.

    Well it isn’t, those are the speed values. I’m trying this on the basic set of RtR coz’ it loads a lot faster. Messing with values of the 2 locos and the container car the only stuff I found out is:

    ENGINE_TYPE 1204 mozd03.x 0.007 Engine03






    the value of 0.007 scales the model: changing it to 0.001 will make it look like a 1:87 model pulling a real train 😆

    14 looks like the max speed setting. Changing the value of the small shunter engine to 14 made them run equally fast.

    Perhaps the value of the max nr. of cars which can be pulled is set in the program file incl. the gradual decrease of speed when you add more than somany…


    Hi Louis,

    Yes, your’e right about the values. You can’t change anything here except from the max speed – or the scale as you found out. 😆

    The first value after NOREF, 1.1 in your example, has to do with the length of the engine.

    Btw, with the new Layout Viewer you can switch between Basic and Full mode with one button click, exactly for such experimenting purposes.

    Kind regards,



    Have no fear, I have found the answer to the pulling power, its easy, just add another engine or two.

    They don’t make engine’s as good as the steam days.


    I just had a mess with the scale size of engine 02 in base kit. Made me laught so much I cryed almost for 10 seconds. 😆 Great fun watch out for the giant loco taking over the world when I changed it to 1.000.

    Thanks Dave


    Biggs wrote:

    Have no fear, I have found the answer to the pulling power, its easy, just add another engine or two.

    They don’t make engine’s as good as the steam days.

    That’s right and it was mentioned already somewhere in the release of the basic stuff. The problem however IS that on complex layouts with a lot of controls, you’ll run into trouble controlling the stuff.

    Besides, I think that a big engine shud be able to pull let’s say 20 two-axle tankers without much trouble instead of slowing down to about half-speed 😥


    Hi Louis,

    You can mitigate the control nightmare to some extent by requiring that only engines with IDs activate controls, even if you have to assign 1, 2, and 3 as engines that activate it.

    Then, give only one engine per train an ID.

    I do agree with your statement that larger, more powerful engines should be able to handle more cars.

    Regards, Chris


    Hi All,

    The speed is not only controled by engines

    see for this here:

    CWAGON_TYPE 1135 r_tanker2.X 0.0065 r_ tanker2



    10 <- permission speed to go




    peter wrote:

    Hi All,

    The speed is not only controled by engines

    see for this here:

    CWAGON_TYPE 1135 r_tanker2.X 0.0065 r_ tanker2



    10 <- permission speed to go



    That’s correct, but raising the figure to 19 still slows down the engines considerably.

    I bet the limitation is built-in into the executable somewhere 😡


    Hi Louis,

    Can it be this value is it so,if you raise it then the wagon has more break.

    See in the useclub7.xli and up,there is a 0 as value and the wagons are faster.,mostly the gondolas. 💡

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