Take the challenge. Using this board make a railway. You can edit the terrain a little bit but try to keep it as it is as much as possible. The board size is 8 x 6. Give it a go. If you see no picture then refresh the page or click on the file not found bit.

1 They has to be at least 2 railway stations.
2 They has to be 1 stations that has only 1 platform and has to have a train stop at the platform from both directions.
3 They has to be at least 3 passenger trains.
4 They has to be at least 2 goods trains.
5 They has to be at least 2 goods yards.
6 Try not to use 3rd party models but if you do please list them with there ID number so we can find them more easly.
http://www.mediafire.com/?0gxsxf5yzjz” class=”bbcode_url”>http://www.mediafire.com/?0gxsxf5yzjz
Happy tracking.