Need ideas

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  • #33


    Every time I try to build a layout in Rule the Rail i get lost. I know how to use all the tools, but I find it quite hard to make a working layout. I wan’t my layout to be about medium size. Long track so that it takes some time for one train to get around the layout. The layouts I have made so far is like the ones you see on the livingroom floor.

    Basically I need ideas/inspiration.

    Can someone help me?

    John (from Norway)


    Hello John,

    One way to have a larger layout is to start with your small ones and expand it. Much the same as real railways were expanded.

    Add extra platforms to your existing station and have trains going from there to a new destination.

    If you want to start from scratch, decide what areas you want in the layout such as town, quarry, timber yard, coal mine etc. Have these areas as far away from each other as possible and then connect them by rail.

    One railway layout can have several rail companies operating over their own rails. Passenger services on one line, coal on another and fuel supplies on yet another. The best way of designing a layout is to compare it to how the real thing operates.

    RTR have thoughtfully supplied buildings in their expansion packs that correspond to the goods wagons available. The refinery with fuel tankers, the sawmill with timber wagons (both full and empty), the quarry with coal wagons etc. You could have these industries at the far sides of a layout and bring the products to a town in the center.

    I hope this helps or gives some ideas.


    That helped a lot!

    But I have only the basic construction set. I don’t have any way of paying for the expansion pack :( (I think).

    EDIT: Well, I do have a VISA – Electron card. Maybe that works.


    I’m not sure of the methods available for paying from Norway.

    Like me, the only two options (US Dollar and Euro) are not your country’s currency.

    I think this is just for pricing though. If you pay with an accepted credit card it would be changed from NOK to Euro in the transaction.

    Brainbom should be able to help you out with those details for definate.


    $14.99 would work out about 100 NOK plus the banks fees for converting.


    I am willing to pay that price for something as fun as this!

    Actually it is 101.4823 NOK. That was yesterdays currency.


    john7936 wrote:

    I am willing to pay that price for something as fun as this!

    The only trouble is…….. it’s addictive :mrgreen:


    I fully agree with the statement made by “Governor of Waldovia” about starting small with your first attempt and then adding on to it in a modular way. In fact I am using the book, “N Scale Model Railroad That Grows” as a templet for the construction of my first “Rule the Rails” layout. The book defines the steps in building a more complex layout from a very simple initial loop with siding. It is a very good book to show the “buildup” method of layout construction. In fact just about any model railroading book, of any gauge, that shows layouts of any size and shape could be used. Even prototypical books/layouts can be used as a source – as well as any current or past “topo” maps that show railroads.

    Have fun searching


    Even prototypical books/layouts can be used as a source – as well as any current or past “topo” maps that show railroads.

    What is “topo” maps?

    EDIT: The quote thing did not work…


    ‘Topo’ topographical i.e. a map that shows railways and the contours of the terrain. In the UK that would be an Ordnance Survey map or similar.

    Make sure ‘Disable BBCode in this post‘ isn’t ticked in your reply window. Also check your Profile and make sure ‘Always allow BBCode:‘ is selected.


    maybe a good idea would be to get paypal on the site if you know what it is,its basically another way of paying instead of by credit card. it might make some people feel easier about paying, i dont know how many countries it works for but i just know other sites use it

    Just a suggestion



    …one of RTR’s competitors.

    EE? something, something, via click-and-buy.

    My vesa was suprisingly easy with share-it. Another well-structured

    outcome for me, thanks to BrainBombers, whomever they are, well

    done all.

    I do have a few questions to ask but, no hurry for help yet.

    I also may wish to make some suggestions/ideas in the forums, (if O.K.

    with ADMIN and MODS) of all types as, I am an Aquarian and, I

    feel, we have unusual ways of doing things. Or,is it just me ?

    I must say now that, I have read many posts in most subjects here and,

    this must be the FRIENDLIEST place I have found on the NET. Not PICKY

    about peoples pronunciation and speelling/typos. Again, TOP SITE !

    Here’s an IDEA for some or all. Not a re-thought I hope. Here goes…

    I will build a layout from Sydney To Not-America where I live. With

    the aid of google earth for distances and terrain, mountains and coastal

    towns on the, lets say, My Virtual Scenic Tours. Top presentation material

    for posting perhaps. If welcome, more ideas later.



    Hi unger,

    I´d also use google-earth to take a landscapearea from Hanoi to Saigon.

    I´ll build a layout named “saigonexpress” but without the right objects and trains that layout looks like as european and not asian type. Good idea with Google-earth. :)

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