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  • #130

    Do you or anyone think it would be a good idea to have a power point on the turntable to turn power on and off.

    If I run the second engine on to it, it gets power from the other tracks.

    Bad planning I expect by me.

    What I need is a demonstrashion turntable plan with menny tracks and two or more engines working it.

    Any takers?


    Hi Biggs

    I think it would be a good Idea. But I asked BB if they could put a controller on the TT they did and I found it not much use as I thought it would be. As I think the TT is like 1 track Piece that allows only 1 thing placed on it, we have to make a choice weather a controller or a Psupply. And of cause is it possable to put a psupply on the turntable. We maybe should ask BB if it is possable and then maybe vote to what would be best to be put there.

    Have you have a look at my TT demo? It’s in Working Turntable post. Most of my tracks are idea I thought of. And I not thought about the TT since I got Willis bridges I been to busy messing with BT track. If you think of an idea what you want to happen and can get it in words, I may have a go.



    Hi Biggs,

    Take a look at what Dave had posted:

    austindave wrote:

    Hi Shapiro

    Take a look at the track in the link it may give you some idears.


    Thanks Dave

    Best regards, Chris



    Thanks For putting a link here. I still don’t know how to do that. 😯

    Maybe I got read a the manual. 😯 :D



    Hi all

    I just thourght if we put a psupply on the turntable we will have polaratiy problems. After you done a 180 the psupply will face the other way which would cause problems for controlling.



    Dave I have given the turntable a good go and think you are right about Psupplys, I just forgot to turn them off.

    I was having problems with if the TT needs to turn 4 times do I have to give it time to reach track 1 and stop then track 2 and stop and so on, did not wont to use 180 deg.

    If this is so, do I need to add a time/sec off say 2.

    Or can I just say move counter clockwise 4 times, four times.



    Hi Biggs

    I had a go with the TT before the test track I did and it was before BB put the 180 conroll. I had a train coming in and doing a 180 I had to use time delays and it took 6 to do a 180. You have to wait for the TT turning track to stop before you can turn it on more I think I use a 3 sec delay between each turn. So the 1st turn, wait 3 secs for next, then next was 6 secs, then 9 secs and so on till you get it were you want. Just a quick I can not remember if it was 4 secs so 4, 8, 12 so on. Or you could use a controll track to do time delays instead on 1 controller doing it all. Controller on the TT track triggers 1st turn by use of the control track, then the train on the control track after which time delay works moves over the 2nd controller on the control track and so on to the next. Hope his helps. If you are lost by now I am (lol) send us a email and I could do some examples of what I am trying to say.


    Thanks Dave


    I’m still confused these turntable and I see those Test TTv21. I tried to these turntable. It’s not move round.. I don’t uderstand. I little hard time. I like clear to direction for step to step…

    Sorry about that




    I don’t know why Biggs has opened a new thread about the same topic.

    @Dave: Many thanks for your turntable test layout. Unfortunately the layout name has spaces and so destroys the start-up parameters in Layout Viewer!

    @Everybody: Before use of the layout remove the spaces in the name! And don’t use layout names with spaces in the future!

    Thanks and regards,




    I need to instruction and tutorail….



    Hi Shapiro,

    I´m testing it as Dave,one with and one without controler track.

    if i completed these demos then i´ll set a dloadlink and release an instruction. 😉



    Thank you for advice…. 😉



    Hi Shapiro,

    Have a Demo to control a Turntable from Jürgen. You and other members want to have a look can dload this demo here

    And here the Pic



    Hi Peter, Jürgen

    This is a great demo. I never would have thought to controll a TT in this way. The train on p8 controls trains comming in and the trains get them selves out. A great control system. This is why we need more track with idears so we can think of different ways to do things. I never would of thought of doing it this way. A big thumbs up

    Thanks Dave

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